Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Narrative essay
The first day of school I was ready to go to my English classroom which is my second period and I thought it was going to be like all the other English classes I had in the past. But little did I know how wrong I was. I was walking near the 600 buildings trying to find which classroom I was going to be going and hoping I didn't get in the wrong classroom and embarrassed myself in front of a classroom full of strangers. I was glad I had a few people that I knew. When I saw the teachers name, I knew he had a PhD and I was amazed. Most teachers that I know of brag about how long it took then to get a masters. When the professor started to talk, I was surprised by what he had said. Dr. Preston from the beginning gave us a lot of trust even though we haven't earned that. Without even knowing who we were and what kind of person we were he still gave us his trust. He talked to us as if he already knew us and let us make the first choice of what we wanted to do in the classroom. He gave us the opportunity to choose to do the things old school way which are textbook and writing a lot of things in a notebook or do the work the new way which is using technology. He told us to decide as a class and to everyone agree. Then he left the classroom to give us privacy and decide of what we wanted. But I feel like our answer was predictable to him. No student is going to want to carry a heavy textbook and having to have an extra notebook to write on, and instead of having all that we can just use something we use all the time and are kind of addicting to use, Our phones. To begin with I didn't fully agree to the idea of using our phones because I know myself and I know that I will get distracted and go on something else instead of doing my work. But Then my friend convinced me because I too didn't want to carry a heavy textbook. After he came back into the classroom, we his students told him that we would rather use our phones to do work on. After we got things settle and like the first few weeks of school passed, and he told us to get a book and write about the first hundred pages. I went I got a book I wasn’t even interested in and then didn’t even read it, procrastinated did a little of reading and then wrote about the book to get things over. But then he introduced us this gigantic book that resembles the bible. He talked about the author and how his book is a great masterpiece and introduced us to this new world of literature. The book is amazing les Miserable is an amazing book. I made so much connections with the book, I'll give an example when we got to where we meet the Thenardiers and Little Cosette, my connection was that the Thenardiers were my aunts and I was little Cosette, and how I was like a little servant to my aunt, because they always made me clean at a young age. But i wasn’t treated that terribly like the Thenardiers treated Cosette. After I got more interested in the book I read ahead because I wanted to know more and what else was going to be happening. The biggest book I have read barely reached to 900 pages. In March of 2018 is when I read the ending of the book and I was not disappointed I will only say that it goes perfectly fitted with the whole story. I have no Idea of how Victor Hugo did this to make this great book. I admire him for this. He is indeed one of the many great authors there is. Les Misérables also reconnect with something I am very passionate about. Seeing how Victor Hugo created this book made me think of how I could reconnect with my passion of drawing and painting. Hugo’s way of telling the story made me want to tell a story but in a different kind of way. Hugo’s way is using fictional character to tell a powerful story and my way of telling a story is through my drawings and paintings. I want to continue doing this and tell my stories in my own way.
And exactly on May of 2019 we started our Masterpiece Academy were we choice to present of what we are most interested and passionate about. I wanted to make my presentation better and tell more about the perspectives of art, but I got to nervous and couldn’t think any more of what I was going to say. My classmates did a very good job on showing us on what they are passionate about. My personal favorite where Diana, Denisse, Celeste, Brayan and Jacob. I choose this because they each show very interesting things for example Diana took me deeper into seeing of how people see different things and have different perspective on what they think is right and wrong. Denisse’s presentation for me was the best one because some people invest a lot on projects without even knowing what they are doing. And then there are people that are always discouraging someone from doing what they want to do. it's very hard to own a business because it doesn't always succeed. But I hope Denisse is successful. Celeste presentation opened my mind because its true of how corrupt our society is today. Doctor prescribe too much medication patients end up dying and some use that for their own benefit of earning money. Brayan’s presentation about how scientist know what color dogs see it amazing because we don’t know what dogs see because we don't have the same vision as they do. Lastly but not least was Jacob's presentation about Traumatic Brain injuries. His presentation showed me how dangerous some sport can be for example Muhammad Ali a professional boxer had brain injuries due to boxing he was a great man I admire him and his dedication on boxing. This classmate have showed me a lot of things about their topic but at the same time I feel like we have just scratched the surface of what there is truly to know about their masterpieces.
Saturday, May 4, 2019
Jean Valjean is a dynamic character, He is a dynamic character because he changes through out the story. An example of this would be, when Jean Valjean was sentence to 19 years in prison, just because he stole a loaf of bread. Before Jean Valjean went to prison he was a hard working man. The worked at a young age, because his father and mother died when he was young. He was left with his sister who had a lot of kids and her husband had left her. Jean Valjean would work to feed his nephew and nieces. They would eat a lot which left jean Valjean little to eat this was the cause why he went to steal the loaf of bread. He stole it because he was hungry and there was no other way to get food. Jean Valjean got cough stealing the bread an was sent to prison. while in prison he had to do hard labor work and would rarely sleep and eat. He made some friends while in prison and tried to escape several times and this made his prison sentence longer. until came the day when he was set free. But they gave him a yellow passport in which it said that is is a "dangerous" man. When he got out of prison he was a changed man. He was a more rough person from what he was before he went to prison.
Another example of how Jean Valjean has change trough the story is when he got out of prison and was a consider a very "dangerous" person. The people of Digne wouldn't let him stay in any of their homes. The bishop who was M. Myriel knowing who he was, allowed Jean Valjean to stay at his house. The kind acts that the Bishop was doing for Jean started to get to him. When Jean took the silver from the bishop,while he was sleeping, After he was caught he told the police that the bishop had given him the silver and that he didn't steal from him but this was a lie. When the police took Jean Valjean to the bishops house and to give the silver back, but the bishop did something Jean Valjean would have never thought he would do. The bishop told the police that he had in fact given Jean Valjean the silver, then he told the police to let Jean Valjean go and M.Myriel even gave his silver candle stick stand to Jean Valjean. After all that had happen Jean Valjean fled to another place where he stole 40 sous from a little boy, after he stole the forty sous the little boy Ran off crying for his money. When Jean Valean relized what he had done he started to look for the little boy to give his forty sous back. After Jean Valjean didn't find the little boy he started to cry. From then on he prayed for forgiveness and promised to be a changed man.
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
I my opinion Victor Hugo goes into detail about the setting, because he wants make use feel like we have been there. The place he is also describing can make the character bring up good and bad memories. With that he starts building the character because he tell where their story begins. But a sense of place doesn’t necessarily mean a literal place it could me if you feel like if you belong there and you like where you are.
When I search myself on line, I found a 22 year old person with my same name and last name that is going to prison for 25 year. The other thing I I found is that there are a lot of Alondras and it just give me Facebook profile and Instagram.
I have control of my life but sometimes I get of track and it hard for me to get my thing back together. But when I do have control I try to do everything to keep the control. But then again I don’t think a lot about the decisions that I make. Sometimes I make decimos that I regret making, but I keep doing that and I hate it when I do that. I try to think a lot about the consequences of my choices but then I am just thinking and not doing any action.
Everyday I wake up at 6:45 am to get little sisters ready and take them to the schools bus around 7:14am. Then after they are gone I start by brushing my teeth and hair. After I finish this I was my face. Estimating the time it take me 2 minutes to brush my teeth and another 2 minutes to brush my hair because I have a lot of hair. And it take about 5 minutes to wash my face I don’t put products just face wash and lotion after I finish washing my face. I sometimes don’t find my cloths and just put what I can find. I start walking to school around 7:46am and I get to school at 8:10.
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
I like ready but I am very picky with books, There are certain books that interest me. I like books that makes you think about how the real world is compared to the fantasy, something in both world are very alike. I used to read a lot more outside of school when it was my free time. But now I don’t have much time to do anything except homework for every class that I have.
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Narrative essay
The first day of school I was ready to go to my English classroom which is my second period and I thought it was going to be like all the ot...
From my understanding of the socratic method is a way of communicating without being rude or without lowering someone else.The socratic meth...
Jean Valjean is a dynamic character, He is a dynamic character because he changes through out the story. An example of this would be, whe...
When I am learning alone I don't understand well the parts that I read. This is why I like studying with others, because they help me un...